Palestinians accept them to live with them; some of them gave those Jewish refugees' families part of their houses and land to live in. But look to their doing instead of saying thank you, instead of Love:
-Building walls and fences to keep people in prisons!
-Checking points to forbid people basic freedom of movement!
-Arrest and harassments!!
-Destroying homes and livelihoods!!
-Bombs and rockets as gifts (with love) from the children peace loving and civilized countries
-The classic propaganda machine by those Nazis Zionist Israelis and their friends is this: You'll find the picture in BLACK & WHITE in all American and some other western countries' history books, encyclopedias, libraries, museums… that depicts of young Jewish boy with his hands up while Nazi troops point their guns at him and his family in order to expel them from their homes.. (It is supposed to make you sympathize with the victims and to support their cause for justice and homeland). The Israelis practice the same tactics, but the west sympathy is still less than that for the Jewish!! I don’t know why. Do they still have Nazi ideas in their minds?! Or they afraid from the Jews and have no mercy or sympathy towards them!? They, the westerns, have the answer. What ever it is… don't solve your problems over our life!!
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