Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Israel is a hopeless case!

From: adibsk [mailto:adibsk@cyberia.net.lb]
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 12:29 AM
To: 'email@mail.democracyinaction.org'; 'shahar12000@yahoo.com'
Subject: Tell Appropriations Committee--Suspend Military Aid to Israel


Jewish Voice for Peace

Dear Sirs

I, an uprooted Palestinian Arab, living in refuge for the last sixty years thank you and appreciate your sincerity in fighting Zionism, which is racism. You as Jews, I believe, know better then us what is Zionism, and that you know better that they shall never understand what is peace. Repeat Zionism is racism, and cannot understand that Palestinian Arabs should return to their homes and land in occupied Palestine; and build a democratic state in it.

We believe that you appreciate that unless resolution 194 is applied in full, that is the Right of Return is applied in full and Palestinian Arabs are also compensated for their losses, there shall be no peace, noting that Zionists had been aborting all Arab peace initiatives, even these that Arab regimes came out with, which are only in the interest of the Zionist entity.

The Zionist state of Israel was planned and establish by western colonialism to act as a long arm to suppress all Arab liberation movements and their unity; so as to extend the life time of western imperialism. As such your western regimes should be changed right from the core to live in peace with the rest of the world. It is not that the U.S. Administrations should stop financing the Zionist state of Israel up till… Israel as it is cannot change. Israel is a Spartan state, and it is a state for the army and not the other way round as all other states in the world are built and live. It is a hopeless case.


Adib S. Kawar

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